Poupée Café
[30-03-2009] Nota - Trattamento Dati Personali Piyomini Benvenuto/a in Poupée ε☆з Café [30-03-2009] Nota - Trattamento Dati Personali Piyomini

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Poupée Café
[30-03-2009] Nota - Trattamento Dati Personali Piyomini Benvenuto/a in Poupée ε☆з Café [30-03-2009] Nota - Trattamento Dati Personali Piyomini

Forum dedicato alla Community Italiana di PoupéeGirl e non solo!

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PoupéeGirl Italia Forum Italiano dedicato a Pupe Ameba Jp (poupeegirl) e tanto altro.

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[30-03-2009] Nota - Trattamento Dati Personali

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Blog: [Devi essere iscritto e connesso per vedere questo link]

Thank you for using poupeegirl.

Today, we would like to announce you of your handling your own "private information".

About your private information

・Information such as your name, your address, your phone number. Information which can identify you.
・Authentication information such as your mail address and your passwords.
 * More details of authentication information, please refer here.

Please do NOT tell these above information to others.

You can enjoy communicating with your new friends using comments, messages and your topics, but there may be troubles through these communication.

If some other people tries to ask about you or say unpleasant things to you through messages and comments, please use the "access block" with those users from your communication or reject receiving the messages from those users.

* About rejecting the messages, please read here.
 →People who were rejected would not know that they were rejected by you.
* Please set the "access block" from editing the profile page.
 →People who were blocked would not know that they were blocked by you.

Also, please note that comments and topics are seen by many people and take care of what you say.

We will not have the responsibility of the problems caused by what people say to each other and solve the problem. We also cannot tell other people the users private information.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation for the safe and comfortable use of poupeegirl.
Thank you.

In breve, a favore della tutela del vostro account di PoupéeGirl, è meglio NON riferire a nessuno i vostri dati personali quali:

- Nome, indirizzo, numero di telefono... eccetera.
- E-mail e password.

Se ricevete messaggi offensivi o spam, potete bloccare la suddetta persona usando il tasto "access block" perchè non vi possa più contattare.

Inoltre prestate attenzione a quanto scrivete nei messaggi / cafè / commenti.

Il PoupéeGirl Staff non è responsabile di eventuali "furti di account".

Ulteriori consigli personali:

- Cambiare password ogni tot.
- Cancellare i cookies del vostro browser spesso.
- Non usare la stessa e-mail per ogni vostro account online e non scriverla pubblicamente (a meno che non sia voluto, ma preparatevi a spam e quant altro).
- Prestare attenzione a link non sicuri (passate sopra il mouse e nella barra più in basso del vostro browser vedrete l'indirizzo completo) specialmente se vi arrivano per e-mail o messaggio privato.

(Se vi viene in mente altro prego srivetelo pure rispondendo a questa discussione.)

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